This Person Does Not Exist

If you’ve read the title, you’re one of two people - either you exactly know what this is about or you are completely clueless as to what this is. If you belong to the latter, click here.
The person you see here above does not exist. This image is generated completely by an Artificial Intelligence. This AI above is known as StyleGAN2.
Well, it all started in…
In 2015, there was a paper published that showed an AI understanding what the image is and producing a one-line description of the image and could cover even highly non-trivial cases.

People saw this and thought - "Wait, what if I could give the sentence as an input and get the image as the output". And so, something that people considered impossible was born. Type in something yourself and play with it here.
But there were two shortcomings to this AI:
The images were not detailed enough
We could not assert too much artistic control on these images.
If you want to read more about the DeepMind AI -
And then came StyleGAN
StyleGAN overcame these two shortcomings and produced amazing photorealistic images as shown below.

None of these people actually exist and were created completely by an AI. Why not try it again to see a new person pop up -
More Info -
An Article By: Ignite Team
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